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How to add the latest refresh date to your Tableau dashboard

How to add the latest refresh date to your Tableau dashboard

A simple 3-step guide to adding the most recent data refresh date to your dashboard.

How to filter the top N values per category in Tableau

How to filter the top N values per category in Tableau

A guide to filtering the top sub-category values per category.

How to make a table with only dimensions in Tableau

How to make a table with only dimensions in Tableau

Step-by-step instructions for removing the default 'Abc' placeholder from the pane.

How to highlight an entire row in a Tableau table

How to highlight an entire row in a Tableau table

Help users keep track of what they’re looking at as they scroll horizontally.

How to check the accuracy of your classification model

How to check the accuracy of your classification model

Introduction to accuracy score, confusion matrix, and F1-score.

How to build a decision tree model with scikit-learn

How to build a decision tree model with scikit-learn

A step-by-step guide to building a classification model with scikit-learn.

How to split your data into train and test sets

How to split your data into train and test sets

Get confidence your model works by testing on a test set.

How to encode categorical variables ready for machine learning

How to encode categorical variables ready for machine learning

Find out how to deal with categorical variables when using machine learning.

How to write a Pandas dataframe to an SQLite table

How to write a Pandas dataframe to an SQLite table

Use SQLite to create a permanent copy of your dataframe.

How to combine Python Lists Into a Pandas Dataframe

How to combine Python Lists Into a Pandas Dataframe

Lists are useful, but they are not easy to analyze.

Exporting Multiple Pandas Dataframes to Excel

Exporting Multiple Pandas Dataframes to Excel

Getting dataframes into Excel can be a bit trickier than expected.

Scraping Trustpilot Reviews with Python

Scraping Trustpilot Reviews with Python

Use the Beautiful Soup package for HTML scraping.