How to check the accuracy of your classification model
Introduction to accuracy score, confusion matrix, and F1-score.
How to build a decision tree model with scikit-learn
A step-by-step guide to building a classification model with scikit-learn.
How to split your data into train and test sets
Get confidence your model works by testing on a test set.
How to encode categorical variables ready for machine learning
Find out how to deal with categorical variables when using machine learning.
Chart rebranding challenge
Check out the before and after versions of my Lego branded bar chart.
How to write a Pandas dataframe to an SQLite table
Use SQLite to create a permanent copy of your dataframe.
How to combine Python Lists Into a Pandas Dataframe
Lists are useful, but they are not easy to analyze.
Exporting Multiple Pandas Dataframes to Excel
Getting dataframes into Excel can be a bit trickier than expected.
Ryanair - a Love-hate Relationship
What insights can we get by analysing customer reviews?
Scraping Trustpilot Reviews with Python
Use the Beautiful Soup package for HTML scraping.
The progression of world GDP - China vs. the U.S.
Decluttering and focusing global GDP charts.
Which Marketing Channels Do Customers Use Before Buying?
Visualize the customer journey using a Sankey Diagram